In 1989, the father and son team of Harvey and Greg Stump embarked on a journey to combine their knowledge and background in fishing and robotics to produce “hand-poured” worms with automated machines. This technology evolved over the years as did the product line, and today the Roboworm brand is known for incredible quality, design, and colors. These American-made products are staples in the tackle boxes of hardcore anglers and have accounted for countless wins on amateur and professional circuits alike. Many people have been instrumental in the brand’s success over its 40-plus years. The Stumps, Mike Brakebill, Mark Taylor, and the legendary Aaron Martens all built this historic brand to its place as king of the finesse worms. In 2024, GSM Outdoors acquired Roboworm as part of its portfolio of angler-driven fishing brands with the vision of taking it to the next level of distribution and innovation. Still ran by passionate anglers, Roboworm continues to utilize proprietary equipment and processes to build the best soft plastic lures in the world.